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Pac manager

Solving problem when pac manager is used on debian 9 strech

Start in another terminal to see eror

$ pac     --start-shell
PAC started (pac) with PID 4694
INFO: Used config file '/home/username/.config/pac/pac.nfreeze'
INFO: Using 'standard Gnome2' tray icon
*** unhandled exception in callback:
***   Can't locate object method "new" via package "Gnome2::Vte::Terminal" (perhaps you forgot to load "Gnome2::Vte::Terminal"?) at /opt/pac/lib/ line 500.
***  ignoring at /opt/pac/lib/ line 351.
^CINFO: Signal 'INT' received. Exiting PAC...
PAC finishing (pac) with pid 4694

Solution is to remove local libs

find /opt/pac/ -name "*" -exec rm {} +